
LWPAC - Lang Wilson Practice in Architecture Culture



MONAD_V : Platforms for Life Monad is a generative technology systems platform for integrated adaptable mixed use housing for the sustain...


Honoré-Mercier Avenue

Quebec, 2003

WAA was responsible for the redesign of Honoré-Mercier Avenue, a wide thoroughfare that leads up to Parliament Hill in Quebec City...


St. Patrick’s Park

Montreal, 1998

WAA’s challenge was to transform a parking lot, located at the bottom of a hill behind St. Patrick’s Basilica, into a public ...


Quartier International de Montreal (QIM)

Montreal, 2004

Inaugurated in 2004, the Quartier international (QIM) is a new urban area located between the city's business district and Old Montre...

Revery Architecture

Central City

Surrey, 2004

Central City is a project born of Surrey’s complex history as an edge city south of Vancouver, whose rapid growth and lack of plann...

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